Show your support with membership and/or donations

If you are a member in good standing (dues are up-to-date) and no information has changed, you may use this link to pay your annual dues. ($1.50 processing fee added)

If paying via the new membership link, please download the application form and complete. Scan and send to

Additional options:

a) Pay the dues, and mail form to PO Box 846, Harrah OK 73045

b) Stop by on a Tuesday after 10:00 am to drop off (or we can help complete the form)

Download (click) the above PDF membership form:

You can enter the data by clicking on a section to complete.

Once completed, please email the completed digital copied form to

All donations are tax deductible
Your Membership at a low
cost of only $25/year
helps keep us functioning*

*All payments received are made via a secure banking process. No personal information collected is shared nor sold outside the Harrah Historical Society data base.

New members, be sure to fill out the membership form for our records